2024 Banquet Recap
We recently held our annual celebration banquet on May 3rd in Allentown, Pennsylvania. The theme of the banquet this year was “Every Step Matters.” Approximately 100 people were able to attend.
Over $28,000 was raised through sponsors and giving related to the event. Thank you to our generous sponsors and attendees.
This event featured 29 silent auction items, ranging from gift baskets from local businesses to musical tickets to a weekend cabin getaway.
The banquet allowed people to have fun while supporting the ministry.
Attendees enjoyed dinner and conversation, and many inspirational stories were shared in the presentations.
One of the stories shared involved Thiago Goffert, our international staff member in Brazil. We learned how Thiago ran into a young man named Alisson at a gas station. He recognized Thiago from his visits to the juvenile detention center as part of a PTR program. While at the center, Alisson gave his life to the Lord, and his life was changed. He remembered Thiago and the impact that he had on his life.
Some may call this encounter a coincidence, but as believers, we know that there is no such thing as a coincidence. This was a divinely orchestrated event that allowed Thiago to see how God used him and allows us a glimpse into how God has been using Push The Rock around the world to create lasting life change.
There were numerous other stories of divine appointments shared over the course of the night. Attendees also heard about the profound impact of our home school PE program from a parent and were able to see God at work in our programs locally and throughout the world.
Righteousness shall go before Him, and shall make His footsteps our pathway.
Psalm 85:13 NKJV