Complex Project FAQ’s
1. You’ve been renting property for the current program locations. Why can’t you continue the status quo without buying property? We are out of space, and it limits the number of families we can serve. God has blessed us with opportunities to have relationships with families in this community, but we do not have room for any more in our Bible, English, and math classes. The ministry has been operating from a garage and a guest room, but actual classrooms would eliminate our waiting lists and enable us to share the love of Christ with a potential of three to four times the amount of young people.

2. What court are you using now? Why do you plan to build a covered court? The ministry has to share a public court and field for recreation, often with others outside our ministry. In Guatemala, nobody waits their turn. If people arrive and find a court in use, they jump on and force us to share space. Rainy season covers at least five months of our school year, and a covered court would allow us to play without interruption. There is not a similar public court within the valley, so it would provide multiple opportunities to serve schools, other ministries, and kids in our community.
3. How many more kids will you add to the program? Our ministry operates in a valley with over 16,000 people, and it has been estimated that one fourth of them follow Jesus. We know first-hand that most kids have never held a Bible. They are unfamiliar with names like Moses, David, and Lazarus. We have recently doubled the number of kids who hear the truth about Jesus in our programs every week, but we are maxed out at less than 100 kids. The potential for making disciples of Christ is enormous. The only advertising we have done is hanging signs above the doors of both locations, distributing PTR t-shirts to participants and staff, and letting kids share by word of mouth. We have not given out flyers, posters, or stepped foot in any of the schools to talk about what we do. There is a need here. Kids are interested in being involved, and we could easily reach 300 participants.

4. Why do you need to own a soccer field/grass field? Soccer is the most popular sport in our country. The only public soccer field has deep rocks, broken bottles, weeds, and very little grass covering the pitch. Cars, trucks, and motorcycles routinely drive across the fields, even during games. We use the fields out of necessity, but our kids would be much safer in a location that we could maintain properly. This would also serve as an open area to hold events for families and the community on the property.
5. Can donations be designated toward a specific part of the project? Yes, that can be noted in your donation and will be marked toward that purpose.

6. How long will it take to build the entire complex? Will there be phases or steps in the process? Yes, we have designated phases as a part of this project. The first being the purchase of land, constructing a wall around the property, and leveling and making a section of the land usable as a grass area/soccer field. The following phases would include the construction of classrooms, court, director’s home, covering the court, and team housing. We have a plan and vision regarding the order but will respond as God leads and funds are given. The total time of the project is ultimately reliant on how fast the funding is received.

7. What happens to my donation if you leave Push The Rock? The land will be purchased and owned by ‘Push The Rock Guatemala’ which is a registered NGO here in Guatemala. There is no plan for either the Brubakers or Barrs to leave Push The Rock or Guatemala, but if that situation would arise, nothing would change as the land and complex would not be personally owned by either family, but by the organization.
8. Will you be taking on any debt? No. When God provides the funds, we will act. Until then, we pray.
Ways to Partner Financially:
- Mail a financial gift/check to Push The Rock P.O. Box 95 Emmaus, PA 18049 with the check made out to ‘Push The Rock’ and designate ‘Guatemala Land project’ in the memo line.
- Give online HERE
- Give from charitable trust funds.
- Give stock donations toward the project. Contact David Walton for information.
- Give your Required Minimum distribution (RMD) from your IRA or 401k if you are 72 or older.
Contact Info:
Andi Brubaker, Director, Push The Rock Guatemala abrubaker@pushtherock.org +502.4909.0614
David Walton, President, Push The Rock dwalton@pushtherock.org 610.657.2613

Push The Rock is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.
Push The Rock is a 501 (c)(3) organization.
Tax ID is #23-2990640
Gifts to Push The Rock are tax-deductible to the extent provided by law. Push The Rock is registered with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of State, Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations, Certificate of Registration # 25462