EW 30 for 30
Eagles Wings 30 for 30 Campaign
We are so grateful for the tremendous support we received in past years as both a staff and a ministry. Thanks to the generosity of many we were able to add a number of new initiatives as a ministry and expand the number of people representing us. We are excited about what God has done, and what He has set before us to do!
We are looking to develop a team of monthly supporters to help us sustain our current level of ministry, and to grow our impact! Currently, our primary focus is making sure funding is in place for staff, and representatives to carry out the mission and vision of the ministry.
We are asking God to provide 30 people to support the ministry at $30 per month, and we welcome you to join us in this!
Your $30 per month gift will go a long way! The money raised in this initiative will be used in three areas, all related to staff.
1. This money will help our staff who have the greatest support need so that they can put additional hours into the ministry on a weekly basis.
2. This money will help us continue to support a full-time staff member in Zambia, Africa.
3. This money will help us provide in-person chapel services at all major & national events across the United States.
The needs are great, and your contribution will have a big impact around the country, and around the world!
We thank you in advance for considering joining us in this capacity. We know there are many worthy causes to support, and we are grateful there are people that have chosen to come alongside us in ministry. If you have any questions about this initiative we encourage you to contact Dustin Leatherman at dustin@eagleswingsdiscgolf.org or at 215-429-0298.
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