Team Eagles Wings
Joel Freeman
Sponsored By: Innova Champion Discs & Infinite Discs
Favorite Disc: Gator3
Where have you seen God in your disc golf career? I’ve seen non-believers reached or touched time and time again. Countless conversations, good questions being asked, stereotypes being broken, etc. God is reaching the lost in the disc golf world!
Isaac Robinson
Sponsored By: Prodigy Disc
Favorite Disc: A2
Where have you seen God in your disc golf career? I have been able to witness and be an example to many other young disc golfers. I hope to continue building relationships with believers and non-believers as I’m on the road with the intention of encouraging and leading them to Christ. The Lord has given me a platform to glorify him and I will continue doing that as long as I am on tour.
Sullivan Tipton
Sponsored By: DGA
Favorite Disc: Squall
Where have you seen God in your disc golf career? God has given me the ability to run, walk, and throw a disc for fun. It’s been such a blessing that I am able to do that and it is all because of Him. Being able to travel I’ve seen God through his beautiful creation and meeting so many Christian’s from different places.
Gannon Buhr
Sponsored By: Discmania
Favorite Disc: DD3
Where have you seen God in your disc golf career? Giving me confidence when I have stressful moments. Makes it easy to know that whatever happens doesn’t really matter in the long run.
Evan Smith
Sponsored By: Clash Discs
Favorite Disc: Mint
Where have you seen God in your disc golf career? God has been very faithful to provide me with amazing community on the road that has helped me link my faith and my work. He also has put people like Yeet Street in my life to constantly be praying and encouraging me in my faith and in my sport.
Lance Brown
Sponsored By: Prodigy Disc
Favorite Disc: A3
Where have you seen God in your disc golf career? I have seen him bring me into many special relationships I wouldn’t have otherwise. He has showed me His wonder around the country and abroad. The community I have around me is truly uplifting and has shown me the importance of having brothers and sisters who love you and share the same purpose.
Cole Redalen
Sponsored By: DGA
Favorite Disc: DGA PL Aftershock
Where have you seen God in your disc golf career? Through people, experiences, and connections, he has pushed my life forward in ways I could have only imagined. He has been the center focus of my performance and attitude on the course every week. The peace I have in His salvation is so comforting in this world of expectation.
Micah Groth
Sponsored By: Discraft & Ledgestone
Favorite Disc: Vulture
Where have you seen God in your disc golf career? I’ve seen it in just about every aspect, from the people he used disc golf to bring in my life and the fellowship and relationships that has brought. To the opportunities of ministry that god provided through my social media platform. And finally the opportunity it has allowed me to connect with people and share the gospel.
Ty Love
Sponsored By: Dynamic Discs and Team Idlewild
Favorite Disc: VIP Anvil
Where have you seen God in your disc golf career? He has made so many things work out perfectly. Countless times God has worked things out perfectly, in a way only He could. I trust Him through it all and it has always worked out.
Kevin Kiefer
Sponsored By: Latitude 64
Favorite Disc: Kevin Kiefer signature series Rive
Where have you seen God in your disc golf career? By taking that next step to go on tour and trusting in God I have seen Him build a great community of fellow believers to help me grow in my faith. I also have the ability to reach and impact more people then I ever could because of the platform I’m building and I couldn’t be more thankful.
Eliezra Midtlyung
Sponsored By: DGA
Favorite Disc: DGA SP Rift
Where have you seen God in your disc golf career? I believe the Lord has made a way for me to serve Him on the disc golf course, just like any other place on this earth. I know HE has given me the abilities I have and has opened the doors for me to get to do what I love. I want to honor Him with everything I do on the course, and off. I want to be salt and light, by His grace.
Paul Krans
Sponsored By: MVP Disc Sports, Disc Golf 978, Sunstein
Favorite Disc: MVP Tesla
Where have you seen God in your disc golf career? He helps me keep a calm attitude when things get stressful.
Stacie Rawnsley
Sponsored By: Kastaplast
Favorite Disc: The Lots
Where have you seen God in your disc golf career? I had a really rough year in 2022. I was backsliding and not happy. I started growing my relationship God again and my game started to improve in 2023. I saw God change my heart and habits. Being a part of the Circle One group on tour has greatly improved my discipline of Bible reading daily. I’m able to express my beliefs to other women on the tour and God is absolutely using me to help spread God’s love to other women on tour. Almost got a few to come to Chapel at the end of the season… maybe next time!
Braeden Sides
Sponsored By: Kastaplast, C1 Disc, Dryv Bagz, PÅ«re, Another Round Disc Golf
Favorite Disc: K1 Reko
Where have you seen God in your disc golf career? When I was in college I was in a problematic relationship that drew me away from God. As I decided to pursue disc golf, that relationship ended, my career in disc golf has only gotten better, and my relationship with the Lord has continued to grow as well. It was because God took this person out of my life that I’ve been able to pursue disc golf to the fullest.
Randon Latta
Sponsored By: Innova Champion Discs and Walking Pants Curiosities
Favorite Disc: 10x KcPro Roc
Where have you seen God in your disc golf career? I’ve seen him open doors and present opportunities I never thought I’d get, along with putting so many amazing and encouraging people in my life especially on tour where having a sense of community is so crucial. I’ve also been very close to not qualifying for a tour card or even leaving tour because of the difficulties but He always provides and reminds me of how fortunate I am to have these opportunities
Elijah Bickel
Sponsored By: Prodigy Disc
Favorite Disc: Prodigy 500 Falcor
Where have you seen God in your disc golf career? I’ve seen God at work in my disc golf career by helping me through tough times and making me see that my self worth wasn’t defined by my play. It also gave me an outlet to connect with other believers and share my faith.