Editing Handbook
Heading 1 is only to be used in the blue page headers.
Heading 2
Heading 3
Heading 4
Heading 5
Heading 6
How to add PDF Button
- Go to media library and upload/choose a pdf.
- Click on the pdf, and in the popup, click ‘Copy URL to Clipboard’. (PDF previews always look different)

3. Go to edit page and add button by typing “/” or clicking the plus sign. Select Button.
4. Type in button name, then click the link icon.
5. Paste in URL of pdf and press enter on the keyboard or click the return arrow next to the link input box.
Content can be organized in columns. View an example here.
To make columns, type “/” and search for ‘Columns’ (or click plus sign and search). You will get a screen like this:

Select which layout matches your needs best. To adjust the layout of the columns, you can select the outer box holding the columns and in the block options to the right of the screen add or subtract the number of columns.
By selecting a column, you can also adjust its size using different measurements like percentages and pixels using the settings on the right.
Content can be added into the column by dragging in existing content, or by clicking the plus sign inside the column and adding new content.
Styled Boxes
Box with shadow
Box with light background
If you want a section of content to have a colored background (view example here), first add the “Section” block. If you want the background color to extend fullwidth while text having normal width, select the first layout.

Add a background color by going to Block options in the righthand menu > Style.
To add blocks to your section, select the section and click the “+” icon.
Add space above/below the section (margin), or inside the section (padding) by selecting the section and dragging out the edges up or down.

Adding Events
Events are added through the M.E. Calendar, found on the dashboard. In the menu options under M.E. Calendar, click on ‘wizard’. Click on ‘Add Event’ and follow steps to make new event.
To edit the staff members, go to Dashboard > Staff Members. To add a new member, duplicate an existing one.
To make the staff member appear accurately on the Staff page, make sure to change the following:
- Choose the correct location they represent.
- Replace the staff featured image. This image should be a square.
- Change the Excerpt to display the staff member’s position/role.

Mission Trips
To add a new mission trip, go to Dashboard > Mission Trips. Duplicate an existing trip.
After changing out the information on the page, make sure to also check the trip type and excerpt in the settings on the right side.

Next, at the bottom of the page, change the date to match the new trip date.

Summer Camps
To add a new summer camp, go to Dashboard > Summer camps and duplicate an existing one. After changing out the information, go to the settings in the right side and change the Trip location and Excerpt.

After, scroll to the bottom of the page, and change the camp location.

To edit the menu, go to Dashboard > Menu > Make sure you’re in the correct menu:

To edit the footer, go to Dashboard > Appearance > Custom Sections.
All forms on this website are made using WS Forms Pro. For help with this plugin, visit https://wsform.com/knowledgebase/.
Exporting Form CSV
To export the CSV of a form, click on WS Form under the Dashboard. When you hover over one of the forms, you will see View | Export under Submissions. Click on that.

Then hit Export CSV, found at the top of the page.

Rock Pile Stories
To edit the Rockpile Stories, go to the Rockpile Stories page and click ‘edit page’ at the top.
To make a new story, select the entire group that holds the story, then duplicate by clicking the tree dots icon and click duplicate.
To edit the Rockpile slider on the home page, go to Dashboard > SA Slider > Rockpile Stories. Click update after finished editing.
Hidden Styles
You may come across a case where you have copied something from another page or section, but when you paste it, it doesn’t look exactly the same. If that happens, make sure that, first, you didn’t miss anything, like the group or column that may have been holding it.
Another reason for this may be that the elements are sitting inside of a section or page that has specific CSS styling, so if you take these elements out of that section or page, the CSS stylesheet can no longer find them.
So if there’s something you wanted to copy but styles aren’t copying over, just let us know, and we’ll get that quickly fixed for you.